Friday, December 3, 2010

My Top 10 Cutest Kids on Facebook

Please, let me preface this post by stating all kids are cute. Any age, gender or race – you are definitely cute. There was a literature professor  I had at UGA who said “if you are under the age of 10 you haven’t fully developed into a human being. Therefore, you are infallible.”
In our crazy world it’s refreshing to know we can take solace in the innocence and adorableness of children. Even their imperfections are still perfect. Maybe it’s the promise of a brighter future? Whatever it is, if you are under the age of 10, everyone has to adore you. It’s what the universe has called us to do.
 Most of my time spent on Facebook is looking at photos and lately it’s “oohs” and “ahs” over my friends’ cute kids. My compilation of the 10 most precious kids is comprised of my favorite munchkins that I love to see new photos of on Facebook. They are my favorites because:
A)     Their mamas are awesome
B)     They came from respectable wombs, they have to be respectable children
C)      Mamas – I know y’all, love y’all, and need to hang more with you and your cute kids
I also have to note that while I adore children and want my own some day we are planning to wait on having our own family. There’s a lot of writing I gotta go before joining the Baby Mama club. On that note, these are my top 10 favorite Facebook munchkins:
1)     Farrah Rae Williams: the first time I heard of Farrah’s existence was in March 2009. Farrah’s mama, the magnificent Heather McCole Williams called me at work. At first our conversation was casual and then Heather dropped a sentence I will never forget:

      “Dude...I’m pregnant.”  
      About 9 months later Farrah entered the world. Our planet has been cuter ever since.

2)     Noah Jones: his mama Sarah is not only my Delta Zeta sister but also the sister of one of our best friends Andrew Hagenbush. Meeting Sarah was so cool because we missed each other at UGA and have since been able to reconnect. It’s great to see pictures of this handsome baby on Facebook because he’s definitely going to be a heartbreaker someday.

3)     Wells Amelia Murray: it’s amazing to see photos of this gorgeous baby because her mother is such a wonderfully talented photographer. Her mama, Callie Murray, photographed our wedding and does an equally amazing job taking photos of her beautiful daughter. You can view Callie’s work at

4)     Landon McLeroy: the wonderful progeny of a girl I grew up next door to, Lauren McLeroy (ne: Ellers) and the first grandbaby of the Ellers family. Lauren and her husband, Mike, make a really handsome couple, and their fantastic little boy Landon is only proof of such attractiveness. My dear friend, Michael, is one heck of an uncle to Landon. Plus, this baby can sleep through anything! I just saw Landon at a party and he was sleeping on a couch while the party raged on around him. Landon is one cool baby.

5)     Sofia Morales: this little girl can grow up to be the next Pulitzer Prize winning author. She’s the daughter of two amazing journalists, loves to go to concerts, parties with the coolest kids in Athens, an looks like a fairy princess. Talk about a winning combination.

6)     Turner and Sydney Elya: technically they should count for two separate entries; however, as they both belong to one amazing mama (the terrific Jill Elya) I had to include both girls. Turner is in preschool and Sydney just entered the world a few months ago, but looking at the photos of Jill’s girls, you know they’ve already established an amazing bond. They’re both just as pretty as their mama too!

7)     Brady Maloney: his mama is the fabulous Angela Bria Maloney and my goodness her little boy got the best of the flawless features both Angela and her hubby have to offer. Brady looks like a cherub. He could be a child model with the most perfect set of blonde curls and sparking blue eyes. Oh, and this kid’s got personality plus sugar-coated sweetness. Everybody loves Brady.

8)     Reilly Clayton: the daughter of two of the smartest people I’ve ever met. Reilly’s mama is Lauren Clayton (ne: Reilly) and I love that she gave her daughter her maiden name. Lauren and I met when we were working for the Peabody Awards at UGA and we both live in ATL now. Unfortunately we don’t see much of each other (that needs to change) but it’s been a blast watching beautiful Reilly grow up on Facebook. Reilly is very pretty and, as the daughter of two UGA grads with multiple degrees, she’s going to be brilliant.

9)     Nolen Gritz: another Delta Zeta baby belonging to the sensational Sierra and her handsome hubby, Nick. Obviously no one doubted that Sierra and Nick would make beautiful kids. Like me and my hubby, Sierra’s a Bulldog and Nick’s a Yellow Jacket. Hopefully being married in a House Divided makes for even more spectacular kids. Noley is going to have a hard time deciding where to go to school now that UGA has an engineering program but he’s smart enough to pick UGA.

10)  Blakeleigh Ewing: the daughter of one of my first friends I made when I moved to Georgia: Tanner Regan Ewing. Tanner and I have lost touch (she’s a marvelous mama and busy with both her kids) but I love seeing photos of Blake on Facebook because she’s absolutely her mother’s daughter. Tanner and Blake are adorable together.

Now that’s my 10 (technically 11) current favorite kids to follow on Facebook. If there’s a munchkin not on the list please feel free to let me know and I’ll start working on Lauren’s Cutest Kids on Facebook version 2.0.
Have a cute weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Oh How I LOVE Brady Boy!!!!!!!!! He's definitely one of my favorites too!
